How educational information can create value
How do we make value creation a conscious effort? How do we know that value is there for every stakeholder in an initiative? How do organizations collect the right information to ensure this? Academics and practitioners gathered at the 2nd Global Conference on Creating Value, held at Fordham University’s Gabelli School of Business on May 14th-15th 2019, to explore challenges and opportunities with value creation. ACASE Director Monica De Tuya and Associate Manuel De Tuya contributed to the conversation with a talk titled From Values to Valued Outcomes: A Training Framework. Specifically they asked: how can the development of human capabilities generate value for individuals and for the social entities in which they take part, whether these entities be cultural, economic or political? The answer to this question requires identifying and operationalizing the values to be realized for individuals and for the social entity. These values justify the choice of capabilities to be developed in individuals and the impact of the realization of the capabilities (or their lack) on the social entity. Educational information on the extent to which capabilities have been attained can best be operationalized via practical learning goals and practical learning outcomes. Impacts on social entities (e.g. a business) must also be operationally defined so that the effects of the development of targeted capabilities can be studied and established. ACASE’s Framework was presented as 5 Key Questions in order to move from these values to valued outcomes:
1) What capabilities do we most value in our employees?
2) What are the training goals?
3) How do you know if they are being attained?
4) What are the best ways to help trainees attain the goals?
5) What information is needed to improve and add value to the training program?
We look forward to continuing both the work and the conversations at this intersection of academia and industry as organizations explore the many facets of value creation.