Mauritz Johnson
Through the generosity of the family of Mauritz Johnson, we are pleased to now have the opportunity to share his unpublished papers, books, and articles. We will continue to add to the collection occasionally, as scanning and time permit.
With the exception of Intentionality in Education, which was previously edited and published, these papers are as they have been found on Johnson’s computer and in his files. Please accept our apologies for any imperfections. Should you know of anyone suited to the task of serving as Johnson’s official biographer and/or archivist, please let us know.
Mauritz Johnson was one of the most important figures in late 20th century education. As teacher, administrator, scholar and theoretician he fostered clarity and provided unique tools for a scientific approach to educational problems. We are proud to provide access to his works and serve as a meeting point for those who are interested in promulgating his legacy.
Currently Available Online:
Intentionality in Education [2.4 MB PDF]
This may be considered Mauritz Johnson’s magnum opus. It is a summary of the work of his latter years when he endeavored to provide a rigorous, coherent framework for studying and discussing educational issues. Over the years we have seen numerous ragged copies of the first and only edition of this book, held together by rubber bands and tape, in the hands and bookshelves of our colleagues – a testimony to the serious use to which it has been put by practitioners in the field.
Intentions & Outcomes: A Citizens’ Guide to Assessing School Programs [ < 1 MB PDF] Mauritz Johnson
A Doctoral Program Review Checklist
“Maury Johnson and I served as a two-person committee in the mid-1980’s in the School of Education at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Albany, with responsibilities bearing on University and School of Education reviews of doctoral programs. We served as a subcommittee of a larger committee titled (roughly) Doctoral Program Review. Maury and I met once or twice and began to itemize things that we wanted to have taken into account in such reviews.
“I was quite amazed after a meeting, on the next day, to find this list, in his small handwritten form, sitting in my mailbox. A photocopy was made of his writing and given to the larger committee, wherein as near as I can see, ‘It got lost.’ Alas, Maury’s skills and knowledge for that purpose got lost too… but not my appreciation for what he could and would do, seemingly so very easily! I add this to the corpus of knowledge about Maury to show my appreciation for him and in the further hopes that the substance of this project will not be lost in a larger sense.” –Bob Pruzek, Professor (Statistics), School of Education, SUNY at Albany
Schema for Curriculum. Mauritz Johnson.
A Framework for Educational Program Research. Mauritz Johnson.
A Model of Evaluation Processes in Education: Based on Johnson’s Evaluation Schema. Paul Zachos.